
CINCH Learning

This past week at the International Society of Technology in Education conference in San Diego California, McGraw Hill Education unveiled one of their newest and most innovative programs called CINCH Learning. This program is designed to teach students from K to12 math and science through a projector screen or computer. Also, CINCH Learning is cloud based, so students can access it from any laptop, tablet, or other device with an internet connection. So far, CINCH Learning sounds like a great piece of technology for any class room, but it has even more benefits to improve math and science education.

First, the CINCH Learning comes with hundreds of lessons for each grade level. The lessons are designed to meet each state’s curriculum requirements. The program also works alongside the textbooks in class, so teachers can use the program to teach an entire lesson, review lessons before tests, or even use the available lessons as enrichment. In addition, CINCH Learning comes with features like videos, tutoring, animations, labs, assessments, and problems. These extras are great because teachers can assign homework through the program. Assigning work would not only be simple for teachers and students, but fun for the students if the teacher assigns an educational video for students to watch.

This kind of program also allows teachers to spend less time planning lessons and more time focusing on individual students. CINCH Learning prides itself on being fully customizable. This lets teachers pick and choose exactly what kinds of work to assign and put on tests. It also gives teachers the ability to focus in on certain students having difficulty with the work so educators can hone in on each student’s weak areas. The program also allows students to easily ask questions to their teachers. Teachers can then gauge what problems to spend more time on in class and during reviews for tests.

CINCH Learning makes learning simpler and less time consuming for both the teacher and the student. Therefore, teachers can make sure that each minute spent in class is used effectively and efficiently. If students and teachers can identify weakness outside the classroom, schools can guarantee that time spent in the classroom is productive and valuable. This program also makes learning fun, so students can be interactive during their learning process instead of being discouraged or bored by reading thick textbooks.

Overall, this new digital program looks to be a great way to make learning easier for both teachers and students. This allows learning to be fun for students, while being efficient and effective for teachers. By keeping education interactive using technology, teachers can judge which concepts need to be reviewed in more detail and which students struggle with the material in class. CINCH Learning will definitely make an impact on students in all grades as schools across the country being to invest in the program.


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